- Fees are billed monthly and payable in advance.
- Work will only commence upon written acceptance of the quotation; the deposit has been paid and all artwork, media, content etc. has been supplied.
- All costings are estimates and may change once final specification has been reached / work has commenced / the project has been completed.
- In the event of late payment, interest will be charged at the maximum rate permissible by law.
- In the case of any late payments, Magine Media reserves the right to terminate the service and suspend the website and all its content from its service until payment has been made, unless agreed to otherwise by parties involved.
- Web maintenance contract is run for a minimum of 12 months, before it can be terminated by either party, after this time the contract will continue on a month to month basis and a 32 days’ notice shall be given by either party cancelling the contract; alternatively, the contract can be renewed/renegotiated.
- In the event of cancellation by the client before the contract is completed, a cancellation fee of 2 months (at full rate) will apply.
- All front-end changes additional to the proofs will be charged at the current hourly rate.
- All specialized programming changes additional to the proofs & spec will be charged at the current hourly rate.
- Ownership and copyright of all pages, text and graphics used will remain with the client, however no application, source files or specialized programming source code will be made available.
- Text supplied will be taken as final text, and subsequent changes and author corrections requested by the client will be charged accordingly.
- Content & media to be supplied electronically.
- All images will be taken as final and subsequent changes and corrections requested by the client will be billed accordingly.
- Magine Media will not be held responsible for any legal actions taken against any client of Magine Media, or any third party whatsoever with regards to infringements on copyrights with regards to copying and using any video/audio material or graphic artwork, logos, packaging, content, images and any form of document and any other legal action taken against parties involved.
- The content of all documentation originating from the contractors involved is private and for the client perusal only.
- Intellectual properties contained in documents in any form remain the property of the parties involved and may not be reproduced or distributed without prior permission from them.
Magine Media and the client may provide to one another information that is confidential “Confidential Information”.
Confidential Information shall be limited to information clearly identified as confidential. Confidential information shall not include information which: (a) is or becomes a part of public domain through no act or omission of the other party; (b) was in the other party’s lawful possession prior to the disclosure and had not been obtained by the other party either directly or indirectly from the disclosing party; (c) is lawfully disclosed to the other party by a third party without restriction or disclosure; (d) is independently developed by the other party, or; (e) is disclosed by operation of law. The parties agree to hold each other’s confidential information in confidence while the services are being performed and for a period of three years thereafter.
Magine Media agrees to take the same standard of care with respect to the client’s confidential information as we take with our own confidential information.
Magine Media trusts that all company specific information is to be treated as confidential and not for disclosure outside of the client. Supplied documents & communication are for the review of the client and the client’s employees only, unless otherwise specified, as it contains confidential information belonging to Magine Media.